Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Last week I ordered a small little pillow called the Sleepsonic Sherpa.  It has speakers inside of it and acts as headphones only without the discomfort of having a foreign object in your ear.

I emailed Brain Sync to see if I would still get the benefits of the Universal Mind Meditation if I listened to it on a surround sound system.  They said that I wouldn't.  You needed headphones.  So I resumed listening to the meditation with headphones but it's very uncomfortable.   My ears are actually sore from sleeping with them in. I read about other options for listening to binaural beats horizontally and I discovered the Sleepsonic pillow.  Can't wait to see if it delivers.  Regardless of the ear pain, I have still been listening to the Universal Mind Meditation before sleep and I do notice a difference....

I'm not so agitated.  I'm not freaking out at the fact that I have not received one call from any of the  jobs I have submitted my resume for.  A recruiter I interviewed with last week by phone was supposed to call me this week so we could meet in person.  It's regarding a well-paying (WE'RE TALKING TWICE OF WHAT I'M MAKING NOW) job in Marin county.  Then this weekend, I reviewed all the online entities I would be marketing and emailed him some ideas and I have yet to hear back from him.  He seemed so enthusiastic last week about meeting me.  Did I not impress him or is he just busy?  It really sucks being this insecure. Then there's that other recruiter...

Mercury is in retrograde.

At work, the site went down yesterday.  That was fun... my boss was in quite the mood from hell.

While my iphone continued to work, it had charging issues on my work computer which has never happened before.

And, then there's that other recruiter.  Actually, of all the opportunities floating around in my world, this is the one I want and the irony is, I don't really know much about the company except that they're a European-based apparel company, the pay is pretty good and I wouldn't be doing anything related to ecommerce search marketing which is a big Yahooooooo in my book!  I need a change.

I interviewed with the recruiter almost 2 weeks ago.  She seemed to like me and said she would get my resume over to their office that day.  The following week, I called her and she said was delayed as all the key players were in Europe.  The following week, I was told the head honcho was out of town for two more weeks but perhaps if one of their other top dogs got back, the interview would happen sooner than that.  Today I received an email from the recruiter telling me that it's in a holding pattern for two more weeks.

In two more weeks, Mercury will be direct again.  Perhaps this is all for the best but I am so ready to leave my current job.  I'm so bored with it.  It's incredibly unfulfilling and, everyday, I have to go in there and act like a "team" player even though my teammates hate my guts (and while I'd like to say the feeling is mutual, I'm really trying to detach from those negative thoughts).

I don't know anything about the Euro Apparel company, though.  The recruiter said she was bound by confidentiality.  I asked where in Europe and she said somewhere up North?  "Scandinavia?" I asked and she sort of nodded but clearly wasn't sure.  Been to Norway before.  Dated a Norwegian once.  God, I hope it's not Scandinavia.

Not quite sure what is so intriguing about it.  Probably the fact that those Europeans love to vacation.  And perhaps an opportunity would arise for me to travel to Europe.  Last time I went was shortly after my mom died...  It was to Belgium to visit her half-sister who she hadn't spoke to for the 16 years prior to her death.  I guess ole half-sis had an attack of conscience when she called hospice and my delirious mother wasn't making much sense.

"What's happening with my sister?" she cried out.

I wanted to say, "Your sister?  Since when?".  She ignored all the holiday cards and letters my mom sent for over a decade.  I kept telling my mom to stop but she wanted to acknowledge them since they were her family.  My mom was incredibly hurt by her.  A few years before she died, she finally stopped mailing them cards.

I wanted to ask her why she ignored my mom all that time.  Could it be that my mom was broke and had cancer and well, nothing like a broke cancer-ridden half-sister to kill a party, especially since my aunt is LOADED.  Much of that money was from their father but my mom never saw any of it... long story.  Won't go there.

So, I went to Europe hoping to bond with this long lost side of my family and I felt nothing but isolated and depressed. My aunt did her part to appease her conscience about cutting off my mom by flying me out there and giving me 300 Euros.  Haven't heard from her since....

But where was I?  Oh yes...

Mercury Retrograde.

I was never into astrology much.  Sure, I read my horoscope occasionally and was always fascinated by the fact that I very much fit the character profile of the typical Leo.  I recognize other Leos because they're just like me.  One of my best friends was a Leo.  Wow, did we have some doozy arguments but we also had some awesome times.  Our friendship was like a roller coaster.  We're not friends anymore.  She really kind of screwed me over after my mom died but we won't go there....

So, these technical problems and the delays are all symptoms of Mercury Retrograde.  I start believing that there must be something to astrology...

And I hope that job comes through when Mercury goes direct again so I can take a real vacation later this year.  Maybe to Europe...

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