Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Owls are Not What They Seem

Last night I had some really bizarre dreams.   It's like a poorly edited movie.  I can only remember pieces.

My costar was Chuck, a friend of mine from LA and my former boss. Chuck was with me and we ended up in a park. It was night.  We were running---from what I cannot recall but we stopped in the park and laid on our backs and gazed up at the night sky.  The sky was completely lit up---there were stars and other lights which I couldn't make out.  At first, I thought it was a spaceship.  I started to tell Chuck this and before I could finish the sentence, the spaceship morphed into a bunch of aircrafts.  I told Chuck that the government was doing some kind of testing and we should be careful.  They couldn't see us or else...

Then Chuck said, "No.  They're owls.  It's a flock of owls".  As he said that, the aircrafts turned into owls.  Their bodies lit up.  It was beautiful.

I don't remember what happened after that, only that I ended up in a bathroom.  It wasn't my current bathroom.  The tub was overflowing with water.  It started to fill up the room and, suddenly, I was up to my waste in water.  I wasn't afraid... just annoyed that the carpet was wet but I realized it didn't really matter because I wasn't staying.

I did some research online and both of those dream symbols---the owls and the water-- represent wisdom, expanded awareness and things of a spiritual nature.  Owls are one of the few breeds of bird that fly alone and not in flocks.  In my dream, there were lots of owls.  Perhaps all this meditation is making a difference.

I survived another day at work today. Tomorrow Mercury goes direct.

I hope this signifies a turning of the tide....

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