Tuesday, May 8, 2012

When one door closes...

So today I went into work expecting to get shit from my boss because I called in sick yesterday.   I wasn't sick yesterday, I actually had a final interview with that European apparel company.  They have it narrowed down to 3 and I was one.  That was especially exciting when I got the news last week.  Then I heard through former supervisors who are still friends of mine that the recruiter was checking my references. Yippee! 

Then when the recruiter emailed me the same day just to tell me how impressed she was with my references, I was feeling super good.  This was going to happen. I knew it was.  It was all about the law of attraction... the universal mind meditation, trajectory screensavers with the Euro company logo, my name, the position and hire month on it, visualizing myself in the position.   Then the day before the interview, I decided to take advantage of my $1 for a 10 minute psychic reading from psychiccenter.com.  Angela, the psychic said she felt that I was going to get the job... or a job but she thought it was the one I was interviewing for.  She kept seeing the number 4. She was seeing "new beginnings" and that things were changing for me.  I would make more money than I ever have and I would be happy with this job.  I hope Angela was right.

I think the interview went well but I can never really tell for sure.  It's been more than 24 hours since the interview and I have heard nothing about that opportunity.  This morning, however, I did get laid off from the job I've had for 3 years.

I knew it was coming.  I could sense it.  Boogerman's "consulting" company wanted me out. There were these clandestine meetings and I was being alienated from marketing meetings.  Then today, my boss said that they were terminating my position because after a few meetings the consultants decided they should outsource all marketing to an agency.

I was prepared to tell my boss what a dick he was but then he said he was going to give me 3 weeks severance pay and he had all the unemployment paperwork ready.  He said I could put him down as a reference and he thanked me for all i had done for him.  He said I was "eligible for rehire" so that it wasn't a negative mark on my work history.  I could tell he felt bad and even a little uncertainty as to whether or not he was making the right decision.  He's pretty much handed the steering wheel of his business to this consulting company and I have seen nothing constructive that they've done... but it's his business and I hated that place anyway. 

I'm getting off that rocky boat and I'm really happy about that.  What happens to it isn't my concern but I gotta admit, I hope the rocky boat sinks with the "consulting" company at the helm since they're the ones who advised him to terminate my position.  Whether or not I liked my job isn't the point.  What kind of consultant would encourage a client to lay someone off from a job they created and have occupied for 3 years?  Especially in this economy.   It's not like I wasn't doing a good job.  But that's okay... because my experience in this life is that what comes around does indeed go around....

If I were to get the job with the Euro company then this would truly be a blessing.  I have 3 weeks severance which will overlap with the time that I will be starting my new job.  It will be a paid vacation/bonus which is something I could sure use right about now.  Of course, I haven't been offered any job right now.  I'm just unemployed and 1 of 3 people being considered for this job.

I don't want to think about what will happen if the Euro job isn't a reality because that can't happen.  I will get that job.  The marketing position with the Euro apparel company is mine.

That's the door that will be opening and it will be a nice door---clean, with love beads and a long red carpet welcoming me.


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