Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gimme Head with Hair

Back when I was still on the juice fast, I got a bottle of organic spirulina tablets from Trader Joe's.  Spirulina is a single-celled algae that is considered a superfood because of it's health benefits.  It's supposed to be a purer source of protein than meat.  I took it periodically while fasting but it was not something I took daily.  A few days ago I decided to take it every day with my Vitamin D since, apparently, Spirulina is also very good for cognitive functioning among other things.  I think today was either my fifth or sixth consecutive day taking it. 

One major problem I've experienced over the last few years is my hair falling out.  It's so frustrating when I run the comb through my hair only to pull out tons of hair.  It's been so bad over the years that my hair has clogged up both my bathroom sink and shower.

Today was the first day in years that I combed my hair and didn't pull out a clump of hair.  It could either be the lack of Lamictal in my system or it could be the Spirulina since one of the major benefits of Spirulina is hair growth and overall health.  A few sources even cited that Spirulina will get the gray out.  Oh how wonderful that would be although I ain't holding my breath on it.

This morning I did my run and was amazed at how much energy I had---energy I cannot recall having in years...  In my Spirulina research, I read about its sidekick Chlorella which is another algae superfood.  Supposedly when taken in conjunction with Spirulina, this stuff is like a fountain of youth.  I ordered some Chlorella on Amazon as I can never put enough good things in my body.  Now that I've stopped taking seizure meds, it's imperative that I take the absolute best care of my body that I possibly can.

My cognitive functioning has still felt off. I did have a phone interview today although I'm not holding my breathe on getting called in for a person to person interview.  I don't think the interview went bad.  I don't think it went amazingly brilliant either.  I am just tired of interviews and pondering the outcome and rejection and disappointment.  I have been rejected so much over the last year, it's a bitch.  I was rejected a lot less in LA when I was auditioning!

My body feels different---leaner and more energetic.  I haven't weighed myself. I don't own a scale but my neighbor does and told me I could use it anytime I want.  I am sure that I've gained muscle weight which is why I'm not in any hurry to address the scales. 

While slimming down is great, my motivation for exercise is my mind.  I simply cannot let the aging process dumb me down and I am definitely not what I used to be in terms of mental clarity and sharpness.

I sold my Champion juicer today...finally.  I was selling it for $190 on Craig's List and some dickhead offered me $120.  Keep in mind that the juicer is just over a year old, hasn't been used all that much and was bought for about $250.  I emailed dickhead back and told him I wouldn't take less than $170 for it to which he responded that he sees Champion juicers being sold for $90 all the time and that I am overcharging for it. Then he offered me $140.  This dick really struck a nerve. I sent him a "fuck off" email minus the profanity and less than an hour later some girl came by and bought my juicer for $170.

That made my day.

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