Monday, August 6, 2012

Breakfast for Dummies - Day 1

My imac is asleep most of the time when not in use but every so often it  turns on in the middle of the night.  This happened last night at around 3:30.  For whatever reason, it didn't go back to sleep so I had to get up and shut it down.  Unfortunately, by that time I was awake and couldn't fall back asleep.  I lay awake and thought about breaking the fast and worried because I have read many conflicting things in terms of what should be eaten on the first day. 

Some people claim that raw is the only way to go during the first week.  Others are eating eggs and rice on day 1.  While I have no intention of eating eggs or rice during the first week, I'm uncertain as to what veggies are acceptable to eat in the first day.  Some veggies are harder to digest than others.

I managed to drift off to sleep a few hours later to experience some bizarre dreams.  When I woke up, it was time.  The best thing about breaking the fast was not having to scrub/chop/juice clean first thing in the a.m.  I chopped up a golden apple and felt full after consuming about half of it.  It took me a while to eat the rest.  It was weird to eat.  I had become so used to drinking my meals.

I had a cantaloupe/carrot/ginger juice later this morning and for lunch, I made an avocado, banana, almond milk, honey smoothie with hemp protein powder.  The banana and honey mask the earthy taste of the hemp powder and it tastes kind of good.

Got about halfway through the smoothie and I had to dart to the bathroom.  Everything I've read about fastbreaking emphasizes that one should not venture too far away from the bathroom for the first few days.  I feel incredibly full now that I've finished the whole thing. Full and bloated and tired. 

I intend on drinking another green juice later tonight and perhaps have another piece of fruit but that's pretty doubtful given how full I am right now.  Total baby steps.  I don't want to jar my digestive system and I don't want to undo all I have achieved over the last 30 days.

I feel a bit sad today and I'm not quite sure why.  This morning while watching Torchwood I started to cry.  The episode wasn't overly dramatic but, for whatever reason, it hit an emotional nerve with me.  All day I've sort of felt sluggish.    I imagine this is all part of breaking the fast.  Perhaps my digestive system is sad because naptime is over and it wanted to sleep some more... or maybe it's the realization that there is no permanent respite from anything.  Things will always bounce back to whatever your reality defines as "normal". 

It's beautiful outside, though.  I can hear the wind chimes singing in the breeze.  Wish I could walk but I cannot venture too far from the bathroom (rule #1 in Breaking a Juice Fast for Dummies)

There's always yoga....

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