Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 13 - The Dream Police they live inside of my head...

Kudos to me for making it this far!  I felt pretty good last night when I went to sleep.  I did take a melatonin, though, as I found that I had a lot of energy.  Then I entered a truly bizarre evening of dreams.

First, my sister and I were held at gunpoint by a mother/daughter team of vandals.  They wanted to know where the Napa River was as they had a boat to catch.  I told them it was straight ahead and on the right but that wasn't good enough so I sarcastically asked them if they wanted me to walk them there to which they stuck a gun in my face.  They lured my sister and I back to a modified version of my apartment and told me to cook a gourmet meal for them and bring it to the river where they'd be waiting for their boat.  If we didn't, they'd come back and kill us.  I told my sister to help me cook but she said she didn't care and she was going to sleep.  I asked her if she wanted to die and she insisted that they would never come back to kill us as they didn't have time since they were waiting for their boat.  That made sense but I started to cook anyway.  I was hungry.  After all I hadn't eaten in 13 days.  So I started cooking pasta but as hard as I tried, the water always evaporated and I was left with hard pasta.  I walked into the living area and saw the two women with guns outside my window.  I ducked down and told my sister they were here.  That's when I woke up.  There was a musical score in my head too that reminded me of the Halloween score.

When I woke up, I was terrified.  I got up to go to the bathroom but ran back to my bed and held my kitty tight.  These women were scary.  I lay awake for a while but then fell asleep again to which I had another bizarre dream.

I was in San Francisco with my (former) BFF and some 3rd party who I didn't recognize. We were on the run from these bad guys in a red car.  After losing them, we parked on a curb and got out. The car disappeared.  I told my (former) BFF that the car was definitely there as we just got out of it.  We looked everywhere and finally found it.  The car was invisible but there was a cup on it and whatever was in the cup was spilling on the car.  We got in and started to drive.  We were no longer in San Francisco but some alternate dimension where dinosaurs ruled the Earth.  In our escape, we ended up in an alley that was surrounded by dinosaurs.   The air conditioner in the car was on full blast.  Just then we were back in San Francisco.  We figured out that the temperature controlled which dimension we were were in.  If our bodies were cold enough, we were in San Francisco but if our bodies got too hot, we'd end up in the dinosaur dimension. 

We ended up at some guy's house in San Francisco.  He was a criminal.  There were all kinds of derelicts there.  I told my friend we had to leave but the car disappeared again.  I got a cold shower but the car was still invisible.  I kept telling my (former) BFF that he needed to shower but he wouldn't stop playing with his iphone.  Even in my dream he was pissing me off.  He took me in the kitchen, opened the fridge and started eating ice cream.  He brought the pint to the front of the house and we saw the car start to appear but it kept disappearing so he ate more ice cream... so did I.  It was orgasmic considering I hadn't eaten in 13 days. 

That's when I woke up.  It was actually kind of late for me.  Now I need to get ready for my exciting day of buying produce, a new cutting board and organic coffee for my scheduled coffee enema which I really am not looking forward to although I'm curious to see how I feel afterwards as it's suppose to dump all the toxins from my liver.  Of course, given the degree of toxins stored in my liver, I suspect it will take more than one coffee enema.

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