Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 14 - Towards the Within

Another hellacious evening last night...probably the worse I've had yet.  I was in a deep brain fog and really thought I was going to have a seizure.  I'm still taking my meds but these withdrawal symptoms can be brutal.  I had a crazy headache, felt incredibly fatigued and somewhat nauseous. I was sweating and shaking and, again, felt that I just might die.  So I over-filled Magic's bowl, took a melatonin and crashed totally accepting the fact that I may never wake up.  I slept like the dead and when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I couldn't feel my legs.  In fact, I don't remember much after that... like how I got back to bed. 

I made a deal with myself last night.  If I woke up feeling the same way, I was going to break my fast tomorrow.  Fortunately, I woke up feeling much better.  No headache.  I even chatted it up with my neighbor while drinking my morning (decaf) herbal tea.  Having tea first thing in the morning is more psychological than anything.   It doesn't have any stimulant effect but holding that coffee mug in my hand is comforting.

I've had moments where I feel energy in the crown of my head.  Apparently, kundalini awakenings are sometimes associated with juice fasts and raw food diets because it makes you more susceptible to energies and vibration.  One girl online claimed to see orbs of light while she was fasting.  What I want more than anything is clarity of mind and a sense of peace and faith.  Over the years I've become so mired in the muck of life.  Although seeing orbs might be pretty cool too.

Your body spends at least 50% (another source cited 70%) of its resources digesting the solids you put into it.  So when you drink juice only, your body is getting the nutrients it needs while giving your digestive system a much-needed rest so your body can now work on healing all the ailments lingering in your body and clearing out all the toxins that have accumulated over the years.

I got concerned when my legs started feeling weak the other day so I did some research about protein.  Supposedly there's enough protein in green juice to sustain one on a juice fast.  Just in case, though, I decided to take Spirulina as an extra source of protein.  I also got hemp powder for when I break the fast and consume smoothies.

Once I do decide to break the fast, it's not like I can pop the cork on a bottle of wine and indulge in a feast the same day.  I have to gradually transition my body back to whole foods which starts with a couple of pieces of fruit a day, then I graduate to steamed veggies and salad.... after about a week, I can eat regular foods. I've collected a ton of pulp so I will make all kinds of dishes from that... soup and broth and casseroles. 

Today I am going to attempt to venture out into the neighborhood on a walk.  I haven't done my hill walk in a couple of weeks since it's a bit of a challenge.  My biggest fear is venturing too far from home and getting that weak feeling in my legs or getting a debilitating headache.  Will start with a walk in my neighborhood.  For the most part, it's on flat ground.  The thing I don't like about the neighborhood walk is that there is no vantage point. The hill is awesome because once I'm on the top, I can sit and watch the valley beneath me.  It's picturesque and peaceful.  Maybe tomorrow....

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