Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 4 - Juice Fast

Wish I could say today is better than yesterday but, unfortunately, I didn't sleep so well last night... I fell asleep later than usual and woke up at 3:20 am by the sound of my air purifier.  When the hepa filter needs cleaning, it makes an awful beeping noise. Thanks Rabbit, BioGS for ruining my 3rd consecutive night of juice fast slumber.  Bitch.

I was up for a couple of hours and then fell asleep again for a little while.  When I got up again, I felt foggy and wanted coffee.  I also had a headache.  Wasn't this supposed to be the day when the sun came out and the clouds lifted while operatic music filled my head and heart with warm fuzzies not cold pricklies?

Supposedly, the headaches are a side effect of the toxins in my body and until I have... evacuated is the term they use.. all that collective shit (for lack of a better word) lodged up inside my colon, those headaches ain't going anywhere.  There are hardcore juice fasters that insist that an enema is the best thing... a coffee enema being ideal.

A couple of years ago, I saw a documentary on the Gerson Cancer Cure and the cancer curing regimen not only included organic juicing and raw foods but it also includes daily coffee enemas because coffee stimulates the liver to release all the toxins. 

When I first read that an enema should be part of any juice fast regimen, my initial reaction was one of aghast and inner repulsion.   I gotta stick something up my ass to get healthy?  Wow.  That's a hard bargain...

In an effort to avoid, I did research on alternatives.  One alternative was a colonic which goes for about $99 at the local holistic center but then again, something still gets inserted in your rectum only this time, you got a stranger doing it.  Not quite the same as getting a facial.

Oral alternatives were various OTC colon cleansers and Psyllium husk with an herbal laxative. Since I already had a bottle of PH, I went with that and added senna.  Done.  I was so happy I had managed to avoid any rectal penetration for the duration of my fast. 

I have been online communicating with nutritionists and other fasters and the general consensus seems to be that an enema will truly evacuate your system of all remaining toxins thus alleviating the painful side effects....like that headache.  Once that headache is gone, I can feel confident that my body is in the healing phase of the fast.  So it was with great reluctance that I bought myself a Fleet Enema twin pack for $2.99 at KMart today that currently resides in a bag on my washing machine.   While I would prefer to do the coffee enema, I don't have the $40 to invest in an enema kit.

I could always do a trade on Craig's List since I'm selling my electric guitar.  Wanted Enema Kit MUST BE NEW!  Will swap for electric guitar, amp and korg tuner.

On second thought...

I miss not having a little extra money to burn but I do not miss the place that shall not be named.  The universe reminded me of this today at KMart.  Two coworkers were fighting about taking lunch.  One didn't want to yet and the other said she'd be over 5 hours if she waited (which, according to CA Labor Law is the mandatory window of time an employee has to clock out for break).  Just then, I remembered what my life was like before I was laid off and took a moment to acknowledge this internally and grant an emphatic thanks to my higher power.

My mind has been bombarded with memories. I have been thinking of people from my past during the last couple of days.  I wonder if it's related to the fast or completely coincidental.  I want to read more on the spiritual epiphanies that people have had while fasting... something is definitely going on in my psyche.  I've had strange dreams... strange dreams.

This morning I dreamt I was in NYC...my mom was with me.. and the Twin Towers were still up.  There was a group of people camping on the first floor.  They said that nobody knew that the towers were there so it was a way for them to stay hidden from the population.  I ran into this girl I knew from LA, Vicki, there.  In my dream she was gay and introduced my mom and me to her girlfriend.  She said she didn't ever want to leave because she was safe there.

Not sure what conjured up this dream in my subsconscious except maybe the fact that back in my NYC days, I would temp in the twin towers sometimes.  My mom used to always meet me and we would eat lunch.

Here's my mom on one of those occasions where we met for lunch.  Aw mom.  Wonder what she'd think of the fast. She'd probably tell me I was crazy...or not.

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